second-time-moms- : Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Second Time Moms

active wellness team

 22 Jan 18 3:56:23 PM

Mother & Child Second Time Moms

There is a lot of advice circling around for first time parents-to-be. It’s a whole new world and there are a lot of questions and concerns that need to be answered. Truth is though, there are a whole new set of questions for expecting parents even if this is not their first time becoming a parent.

How will my pregnancy be different this time?

There are some things that tend to change after your first pregnancy and some that tend to remain the same. But it's important to remember that every pregnancy is unique. When it comes down to it, there really is no predicting what any particular pregnancy will be like.

Will I show earlier this time?

Your baby isn't growing any faster, but you may very well find your waist thickening sooner or getting bigger than in prior pregnancies. Be prepared to switch to elastic waistbands or start wearing maternity clothes earlier.

Will I feel as tired this time around?

Probably. In fact, many women tend to feel even more fatigued in subsequent pregnancies. It's no surprise, really, because with kids in the house, you may have less time to nap or just plain rest on the couch than you did the first time around. And you may be getting less pampering from your partner who may think that pregnancy is old hat for you now.

With that in mind, think about what you can do to cut back on unnecessary activities and carve out some rest time. Keep your partner involved and remind him that you may need some extra help. Don't hesitate to call on other family members and friends if you need a hand.

Will I have more aches and pains?

Possibly, Back pain, for example, tends to be more common with each pregnancy, particularly if you didn't do enough exercise to get your abdominal muscles back in shape after your last delivery.Strengthening your abs may prevent or lessen low back pain as your pregnancy progresses. Find time to exercise whenever you can. If you have young children, you're probably doing more running around, lifting, and bending, which can put your back at risk. Make sure to always bend your knees and lift from a crouching position to minimize stress on your back. Varicose veins also tends to get worse with each successive pregnancy. If you suffered from varicose veins during your last pregnancy, consider wearing special support hose starting early on this time around, and elevate your feet and legs when possible. Exercise is also helpful here.

Will I feel kicks and Braxton Hicks contractions earlier this time?

Most likely, It's common for veteran moms to feel kicks a few weeks earlier than they did during their first pregnancy. You may also notice Braxton Hickscontractions a bit earlier the second time around.

What about other symptoms?

Every pregnancy is different, but you'll likely have at least some of the other discomforts you had in prior pregnancies. Knowing that may motivate you to do what you can to lessen them or possibly prevent them altogether.

For example, if you suffered from constipation or hemorrhoidslast time, try preventive measures early on, such as eating plenty of fiber or taking a fiber supplement, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly. Doing daily Kegels can help preventurinary incontinence.

If you got stretch marks the last time you were pregnant, you'll probably get some new ones with this pregnancy. There isn't much you can do to avoid them, though being careful not to gain an excessive amount of weight may help your odds.

What about pregnancy complications?

If you're a healthy woman and have had no complications in previous pregnancies, your risk for complications now is low. It's true that the more babies you've had, the higher your risk is for certain complications, such as placental abruption and postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), for example. But this is mainly a concern for women who have had many babies.

On the other hand, if you haven't had preeclampsia before (and you're with the same partner and you haven't developed hypertension), your chances of developing it during this pregnancy are much lower than the first time around.

If you've previously had a pregnancy complication – such as preterm labor and birth,preeclampsia, a placental abruption, or postpartum hemorrhage – you have a higher risk of having that complication with this pregnancy. You're also at higher risk of certain complications this time around if you've developed a chronic medical condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes since your last pregnancy.

The main thing to understand is that your medical and obstetrical history is important and may influence your risk of developing a problem in a subsequent pregnancy. So make sure your practitioner is aware of any pregnancy or postpartum complications you've had, any problems your babies have had, or any medical problems you've developed. That way she can determine the best way to manage your pregnancy.

Will I have the same schedule of prenatal visits and tests?

If you had no complications during your last pregnancy and haven't developed any medical conditions in the meantime, you can expect pretty much the same routine in terms of prenatal visits and tests.

Depending on how long it's been since your last pregnancy, you may find you have different screening options for Down syndrome. (Options for diagnostic testing, including CVS and amniocentesis, remain the same.)

Many of the blood tests you may have had during your first pregnancy will need to be repeated, but not all of them. For example, if you or your baby's father were previously screened for genetic disorders (such as sickle cell trait, cystic fibrosis, or Tay Sachs), those tests will not need to be repeated because the results would be the same.

Will I be as moody as I was last time?

You may have just as many ups and downs as you had before, but the things that excite and worry you are likely to have changed somewhat. At times, you may be overjoyed at the thought of having another baby. Other times, you may begin wondering what you've gotten yourself into. You may be worried about whether you'll be able to handle the demands of having another child, whether this baby will be healthy, and how the cost of adding another child to your household will affect your family's future finances. And you may worry about how your relationship with your partner and your other children will be affected – whether you'll still be able to give them the attention they need.

When should I tell my other children that I'm pregnant?

It's a personal decision, of course.When you telldepends partly on how old your other children are and how you think they'll handle the news. Consider waiting until the pregnancy is well established – that is, sometime after your first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage declines significantly.

Do I have to stop breastfeeding now that I'm pregnant again?

You may continue to nurse during pregnancyy if you choose to. Some practitioners may recommend that you stop later in pregnancy if you're at risk for preterm labor. Or you may decide to wean during your pregnancy if your breasts are very tender or you're just too exhausted or not interested in tandem nursing after giving birth. Finally, your toddler may make the decision for you: Your milk supply lessens and the taste changes during pregnancy. One study found that more than two-thirds of breast-fed children self-wean when their moms are pregnant.

Do I need to take childbirth classes again?

It's really up to you. If you gave birth relatively recently and nothing is substantially different this time around, you may choose to forgo classes.Some instructors offer shorter "refresher" classes for those who don't want to sit through an entire course again. Or you could buy or rent a childbirth education DVD that you can view at home. On the other hand, if your last birth was a long time ago, you want to try a different birthing method, or you want to get to know some other expectant parents, you might want to consider taking a full course of childbirth classes.

Later in pregnancy, you might want to sign your older child up for a "sibling class." Many hospitals now offer introductory programs designed for new sisters- and brothers-to-be. They'll show your child a room like the one you'll be staying in; discuss any ideas, questions, and concerns about the new arrival; and visit the nursery so everyone can see what a newborn looks like. Most programs last about an hour.

How can I have a better experience with pregnancy and delivery if I was disappointed last time?

If you had a disappointing experience last time, you might think about making some changes. Perhaps you'll want to switch from an OB to a midwife, or vice versa. Or you might consider whether you would prefer delivering in a birth center instead of a hospital, or vice versa. If you switch practitioners, make sure your new one gets a copy of your records and knows your history.

How can I make sure my other children are taken care of when I go into labor?

You'll need to plan ahead to make sure someone is available to take care of them whenever you go into labor. Talk to your children about what's going to happen and who will be with them, and acknowledge any fears they have about being separated from you. Make sure they have the support they need during this time.

Is there any way to predict when I'll go into labor?

Not really. Experts don't fully understand what triggers the onset of labor, and just like with your last pregnancy, there's no way to predict exactly when it will start. You won't feel it, but your cervix may begin to dilate a bit more this time in the weeks before labor. (On the other hand, it's unlikely that your baby will "drop" until you go into labor.)

You may notice an even bigger uptick of Braxton Hicks contractions as you near your due date than you did in your previous pregnancy. And false labor contractions can be even more disconcerting because, in addition to everything else, you might be constantly wondering if it's time to call the babysitter.

The waiting game of early labor can be quite stressful when you have other children to care for, particularly if you have to wait for a sitter to arrive before you can head to the hospital. And labor tends to go more quickly (sometimes a lot more quickly) than in a first pregnancy.

When in doubt, call the babysitter – there's no harm done even if you don't end up needing to go in, and you may be able to rest more easily knowing that help is at hand. If the sitter can't get there right away and your labor appears to be progressing rapidly, head to the hospital with your kids and have the sitter meet you there.

How will labor be different this time?

It's not a sure thing, but labor is likely to be shorter this time around. While first-time moms usually spend somewhere between ten and 20 hours in labor, it generally progresses much more quickly for women who've been through it before. And the pushing stage is often easier, too. First-timers laboring without an epidural tend to push for about an hour. The average is closer to 20 minutes if you've had a previous vaginal delivery. You're also less likely to end up with stitches than a first-time mom.

Can I get my tubes tied while I'm in the hospital?

If you've decided you don't want to have any more children after this pregnancy and you opt for tubal ligation, you may have the surgery while you're in the hospital for your delivery. Be sure to discuss this ahead of time during one of your prenatal visits. Some states require that you sign a consent form at least a month before your due date. You can still change your mind later if you decide not to have the procedure.

How will my postpartum recovery be different?

You'll probably have more intense afterbirth pains. These cramps are caused by contractions of your uterus as it shrinks back to its pre-pregnancy size and location after you have your baby. After pains are typically mild and short-lived for first-time moms (if they're felt at all), but they can be quite uncomfortable after a second delivery and usually get worse with each successive pregnancy. That's because first-time mothers have better uterine muscle tone so the uterus tends to contract and stay contracted, rather than intermittently relaxing and then contracting again. Don't be surprised if it takes longer to regain your shape this time. As with your first pregnancy, postpartum weight loss alone won't do the trick. You'll need to exercise to regain good muscle tone.

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