what-is-varicocele : Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

What is Varicocele?

active wellness team

 23 Nov 17 1:14:41 AM

Kidneys & Bladder Varicocele

The scrotum is a skin-covered sac that holds your testicles. It also contains the arteries and veins that deliver blood to the reproductive glands. A vein abnormality in the scrotum may result in a varicocele. A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum. These veins are called the pampiniform plexus.

A varicocele only occurs in the scrotum and is very similar to varicose veins that can occur in the leg. A varicocele can result in decreased sperm production and quality, which in some cases can lead to infertility. It can also shrink the testicles.

What are the symptoms of Varicocele?

You may have no symptoms associated with a varicocele. However, you might experience:

  • a lump in one of your testicles
  • swelling in your scrotum
  • visibly enlarged or twisted veins in your scrotum, which are often described as looking like a bag of worms
  • a dull, recurring pain in your scrotum

How is Varicocele diagnosed?

Your doctor usually diagnoses the condition after a physical exam. A varicocele can’t always be felt or seen when you’re lying down. Your doctor will most likely examine your testicles while you’re standing up and lying down.

Your doctor may need to perform a scrotal ultrasound. This helps measure the spermatic veins and allows your doctor to get a detailed, accurate picture of the condition.

Once the varicocele is diagnosed, your doctor will classify it with one of three clinical grades. They are labeled grades 1 through 3, according to the size of the lump in your testicle. Grade 1 is smallest and grade 3 the largest. The size doesn’t necessarily affect the overall treatment because you may not require treatment. Treatment options are based on the degree of discomfort or infertility issues you have.

How is Varicocele treated?

It’s not always necessary to treat a varicocele. However, you may want to consider treatment if:

  • causes pain
  • causes testicular atrophy
  • causes infertility
  • you’re thinking about assisted reproductive techniques

This condition can cause problems with testicular functioning in some people. The earlier you start treatment, the better your chances of improving sperm production.

Wearing tight underwear or a jock strap can sometimes provide you with support that alleviates pain or discomfort. Additional treatment such as varicocelectomy and varicocele embolization might be necessary if your symptoms get worse.


A varicocelectomy is a same-day surgery that’s done in a hospital. A urologist will go in through your abdomen and clamp the abnormal veins. Blood can then flow around the abnormal veins to the normal ones. Talk with your doctor about how to prepare for the surgery and what to expect after the operation.

Varicocele Embolization

Varicocele embolization is a less invasive, same-day procedure. A small catheter is inserted into a groin or neck vein. A coil is then placed into the catheter and into the varicocele. This blocks blood from getting to the abnormal veins.

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