working-parents- : Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Working Parents

active wellness team

 02 Feb 18 1:20:02 PM

Mother & Child Working Parents

Not too many years ago in the typical family, only the father worked outside the home. Usually the mother was the homemaker and was there to greet the children when they returned home from school each day. But there have been dramatic changes in that picture. Millions of families find that they need two wage-earners in order to buy a home, pay the rent, and afford vacations or simply to maintain the family budget. In most communities, two-working-parent families are no longer exceptional.   

When both parents are occupied with their jobs for eight or more hours per day, there are obvious effects on the family. On the positive side, the family has an increased income and thus fewer financial stresses. Also, when both parents work, there is a potential for greater equality in the roles of husband and wife. Depending on the nature of the parents' work, as well as the family's values, fathers may assume more responsibility for child care and housework than has traditionally been the case. With their wives out in the workplace, men find it easier to define a greater role for them in child-raising. This is particularly evident when parents have staggered work schedules - for instance, if the father works daytime hours and is home after school and in the evening, while the mother works a shift such as 4:00 p.m. to midnight. Dad may then be in charge of preparing dinner, cleaning up the kitchen and helping the children with their homework.   

Here are some important tips to reach a Work-Life Balance:-

  •  Communicate with your partner:- If you are planning to have a baby, think about all the variables thoroughly. Your professional life is definitely going to be affected by this decision. You will have to take time out for your children, especially during the initial years of their lives. Co-ordination between husband and wife is a must as they can divide their tasks and work upon it.
  • Invest your time:- It is important that you take out time from your busy routine to devote to your family. There is no material thing that can replace the value that your time can bring to the life of your loved ones. Remember that and you have learnt a valuable parenting lesson.
  • Never bring your work home:- It is easier said than done but you must try to manage your work during work hours, lest it spills in your personal time! Bringing work home will reduce the time you would want to spend with your children. It will also make them prone to the target of your irritability. Always listen to what your child wants to say to you.
  • Plan a fun activity by being a part of it:- Plan how to spend your weekends with your child. Whether it is visiting a museum, a planetarium, or even reading a book. Make sure that you consider their opinion too but don't go overboard by buying them expensive toys. Teach them the importance of 'earning' the favors by letting them to make efforts. 
  • The dinner table:- Dinner is the time when the entire family sits down to eat together. Make sure that you don't watch TV during dinner time and keep your mobile phones, laptops away too - curbing all the distractions from creeping into your private time. Ask your children to contribute in preparing food. They can help you in handing over the ingredients, wash the vegetables, and other simpler tasks. This way, you can also teach them the quality and importance of healthy food. 
  • Caring for Sick Kids:- Without reliable backup child care, it's tough to decide who stays home with a sick child. "Child care is a huge issue," says Lamotte. "What I notice more with healthy couples is that there is a respect for each person's work and what is going on that day." In an emergency, compare schedules to see who's able to work from home. It's not about who's more "important," but about who has the flexibility that day.
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