CSN-CommunityPost-Here's All You Need To Know To Deal With Cold Induced Hives

Here's All You Need To Know To Deal With Cold Induced Hives

active wellness team

 23 Apr 19 6:12:10 PM

Infectious Diseases Common Cold

Cold-induced hives refer to the body's reaction to a cold stimulus like jumping into and getting out of ice-cold water

Cold-induced hives, technically called 'cold urticaria' is a condition which leads to the formation of red welts on the skin when it exposed to a cold stimulus. These itchy welts appear on the legs and make the affected area swollen as well. The condition triggers when the skin abruptly exposed to cold temperatures. People with cold-induced hives are like temporary allergic reactions, but there are others who regularly experience these hives after every few months.

Put merely, cold-induced hives refer to the body's reaction to a cold stimulus like jumping into and getting out of ice-cold water. Experts say that hives created by mast cells.

The symptoms of cold-induced hives are as follows:

Symptoms of hives can vary from mild to severe and include itchy skin, swollen mouth and lips, large welts and redness and the most severe reaction is anaphylaxis, it is a condition which results in difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness and even death.

Causes of cold-induced hives:-

Apart from exposure to shallow seasonal temperatures, cold-induced hives can be caused by swimming in and falling in cold water,  eating cold foods, touching cold objects, drinking cold drinks.

To diagnose cold urticaria, person visit to a doctor and doctor conduct a cold stimulation time test which includes putting an ice- cube pack on the skin. If the skin becomes red on that area, inflamed or  itchy, it means that the person is suffering from the condition

Treatment of cold-induced hives:-

•    The simplest and the best way to avoid cold urticaria condition is avoiding anything cold or chilled.

•  .People should avoid taking long walks during the cold winter season and should cover as much as possible when going out during winter season.

•    Some medications may also cause to such allergic reactions on the skin.

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