CSN-CommunityPost-Here are treatment of Constipation

Here are treatment of Constipation

active wellness team

 08 May 20 4:59:37 PM

Gastrointestinal System Constipation

Constipation usually resolves itself without the need for prescription treatment. In most cases, making lifestyle changes — such as getting more exercise, eating more fiber, and drinking more water — can help. Allowing time for defecation, without stress or interruption, may also help. People should also not ignore the urge to have a bowel movement. Laxatives can improve symptoms in the short-term, but people should use them with care and only when necessary. This is because some laxatives can have severe adverse effects.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urge people to check with their doctor before using them, and to follow the instructions on the label with care. If constipation persists, people should see a doctor. They may need stronger medication. The doctor may also test for any underlying conditions. Keeping a record of bowel movements, stool characteristics, and dietary and other factors may help find a suitable treatment.


Some laxatives are available over the counter, while others are available with a prescription. People should only consider using laxatives if making lifestyle changes has not helped. It is best to check with a doctor before use. The following are some laxatives and stool softeners that may help ease constipation:

Fiber supplements: Also known as bulk-forming laxatives, these may be the safest option. FiberCon is one example. People should take these with plenty of water. Bulk-forming laxatives are available from pharmacies and to purchase online.

Stimulants: These cause the muscles in the intestines to contract rhythmically. Senokot is one example.

Lubricants: These help the stool move smoothly through the colon. One example is mineral oil (Fleet).

Stool softeners: These moisten the stool. Examples include Colace and Surfak.

Osmotics: These draw water into the colon to hydrate the stool and ease movement. Saline laxatives are a type of osmotic.

Neuromuscular agents: These include opioid antagonists and 5-HT4 agonists. They work at specific receptors to regulate movement through the gut.

How do stool softeners compare with other laxatives? Find out here.

Other treatment options

If laxatives do not work, a doctor may need to remove impacted stool manually or surgically. If constipation does not respond to treatment or if there are other symptoms, a doctor may suggest an abdominal imaging study — such as a CT scanMRI scan, or X-ray — to see if there is a blockage due to an underlying disease process in the gut. If there is, a person may need specific prescription medications or surgery to resolve it. Depending on the results of the tests and the person’s response to medical or surgical therapy, they may also need further treatment.

Find out more about the causes and treatments of hard stool here.

Natural remedies

Some methods of easing constipation without using medication include:-

Increasing fiber intake

Adults should eat 25–31 grams of fiber every day. Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fortified cereals, have a high fiber content. Adding fiber-containing bulking agents to meals can help soften stools and make them easier to pass. One option is to sprinkle a tablespoon of wheat bran onto breakfast cereals or add it to a yogurt or smoothie.

Drinking water

Water can help rehydrate the body and prevent constipation.

Getting regular exercise

This can help make bodily processes more regular, including the passing of stools.

Establishing a routine

Have a usual place and time of day to visit the bathroom without forcing a stool.

Avoiding holding in stools

Responding to the body’s urges to pass stools can help prevent constipation.

Elevating the feet

Some people find it easier to pass stools during a bowel movement if they place their feet on a low platform, such as a step, with their knees above hip level.

Complementary and alternative remedies

Other possible therapies include acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, and moxibustion, which involves stimulating acupuncture points with the herb mugwort. One 2015 study concluded that acupuncture and herbal remedies may help, but that more evidence is needed to confirm the usefulness of these methods.

That being said, the use of herbal remedies is complex, and people should always speak to a doctor before trying anything new, as they can have adverse effects. Anyone who has concerns about constipation should speak to their doctor.

When to see a doctor

People should seek medical attention for constipation if the following symptoms also develop:

  • severe discomfort or worsening symptoms
  • constipation that starts suddenly without a clear reason
  • ongoing constipation that has not responded to lifestyle changes
  • blood in the stool or bleeding from the rectum
  • constant pain in the abdomen or lower back
  • difficulty passing gas
  • fever
  • vomiting
  • unexpected weight loss

What are the signs of colorectal cancer? Find out here

" Medically reviewed by Stacy Sampson, D.O. on November 13, 2019 — Written by Adam Felman"


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