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Digital Practice

PRACTICE-IN-A-BOX - Start Your Virtual Clinic
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Provider Plans

How We Differ

Smart Practice On the Cloud

  • Practice Management System
  • Digital Practice Without Boundaries
  • Telehealth Offerings
  • Add Virtual Clinics Increase Practice Boundaries
  • Easy Team Management Increased Productivity
  • Peer to Peer Connectivity

Our Focus

  • Any Where Any time Convenience
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction & Retention
  • Enhance Proactive Preventive Care
  • Move Your Practice With You
  • Increase Practice Revenue Contain Costs
  • Communication & Patient Engagement
Compare Plans
PRACTICE / CLINIC /HOSPITALS close tickblue tickblue
KNOWLEDGE LIBRARY tickblue tickblue tickblue
SOCIAL LOUNGE tickblue tickblue tickblue
TELEHEALTH close close tickblue
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM close tickblue tickblue
APPOINTMENT & SCHEDULING close tickblue tickblue
TEAM MANAGEMENT close close tickblue
OUTPATIENT MANAGEMENT close close tickblue
CONNECTED CIRCLE OF CARE close close tickblue
COMMUNICATOR & MODES close tickblue tickblue
PATIENT RECORD ACCESS close tickblue tickblue
DASHBOARD close close tickblue
PATIENT ORDER MANAGEMENT close tickblue tickblue
PATIENT HEALTH RECORDS close tickblue tickblue
PROACTIVE PATIENT ALERTS close close tickblue
WELLNESS & PREVENTION close tickblue tickblue
HEALTH ASSESSMENTS close tickblue tickblue
DIET & NUTRITION close close tickblue
CHILD DEVELOPMENT close tickblue tickblue
MATERNAL HEALTH close tickblue tickblue
Pricing Guide
STARTER PLAN - ActiveMD-Connect
Duration Care Plan Price Offer Price Action
1 Month Free Free Sign Up
1 Year Free Free Sign Up
Additional Storage 5 GB
Duration Care Plan Price Offer Price Action
1 Year 130 130 Contact Support
STANDARD PLAN - ActiveMD-Connect, ActiveMD-Cinical (Single Clinic)
DurationStandard PriceOffer PriceSavings /PMAction
1 Month 699 699 Add To Cart
12 Months 8388 6990 (Savings 16%) Add To Cart
Additional Storage 5 GB
Duration Care Plan Price Offer Price Action
1 Year 130 130 Contact Support
ELITE PLAN - ActiveMD-Connect, ActiveMD-Cinical (Three Clinics)
DurationStandard PriceOffer PriceSavings /PMAction
1 Month 1049 1049  Add To Cart
12 Months 12588 10490  (Savings 16%) Add To Cart
Additional Storage 5 GB
Duration Care Plan Price Offer Price Action
1 Year 130 130 Contact Support
INCLUDED 1 Free Active Health Account for Every Physician
1 Physician Provider 599 per month
5990 per year

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