Transition to Value-Based Reimbursement and Improve Quality of Care:

As the realization increases that Sick Care is not the solution to a sustainable healthcare delivery model that will improve health,
reduce illness and costs, we provide you with effective tools to manage your patients’ health. To achieve health for all needs a
paradigm shift from "Treatment Plans" to "Total Health Care Plans" is required to reduce
the burden of illness in the community. Healthcare needs to move to a value-based healthcare delivery model that shifts the focus from
Inpatient care to care in the community. The community practices and hospitals need to shift focus from treatment to prevention that will
reduce dependence on inpatient care.
Health systems need to promote and incentivize wellness & prevention, practices and insurers to pay
for preventing emergency and hospital episodes. The increase in alternative payment models that tie reimbursement to quality is shifting more
risk to providers. Likewise, government and commercial insurance programs are seeking to reduce medical loss ratios and achieve better
outcomes at a lower cost.
The plan to move into the value delivery will have to be different for each healthcare stakeholder. We help and work with
stakeholders to work on risk-based contracts, to developing new care models and build physician networks, to implementing shared
savings programs or management services organizations, or to building Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Patient’s Centered Medical Home (PCMH) models.
Each healthcare organization needs to work on defining their unique, value-based initiatives and strategies in order to be successful
in the long term.
Transformation Planning and Strategic Management
Active Wellness helps organizations select the best path to value-based care delivery models while building a transition plan to
control patient care costs, improve outcomes and boost margin growth. Key Benefits of Active Wellness is to provide at a very reasonable cost
bundled services of a new strategy, infrastructure, and
technology necessary to improve financial performance, reduce costs and identify the patients who can benefit the most within an
accountable care environment.
The engagement starts with a Transformation Assessment, where Active Wellness will assess how you can enhance profits and improve outcomes
and how to position your organization to be an early mover in evolving future risk-sharing models. We help you create a
durable economic model based on where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow. This is in terms of market position, payer trends,
physician engagement, patient share and other market factors unique to your organization.
Active Wellness helps with offering the Plug & Play Technology solution that is depending upon the organizational need can be limited
to a Cloud-hosted "Software As A Service Model". This can be layered with a Managed Services Model that helps transform your
organization and extends reach to the patients home. Our experienced executive leaders help you develop your organization's
strategy and operational approach to emerging healthcare delivery models such as accountable care, help negotiate payer and
provider contracts, develop innovative payment models and manage the new complexities of value-based care. Our strong analytics
team helps in undertaking analytics on your past data and ongoing analytics to support the move into value-based care.
The providing of timely and applicable reporting to the network’s leadership helps in proactive decision making.
Network Development, Practice Transformation and Care Coordination
ActiveMD Online Care network brings to you a qualified set of Physicians validated as a network of primary care and specialty
physicians with provider analytics to monitor provider behavior to ensure high-quality, low-cost outpatient facilities in a
streamlined care delivery model. Physicians Ratings are by both peers and consumers around clinical quality, service,
quality and utilization management. An ongoing review allows you to see your practice performance variation and allow identification of
deviation from care protocols. Become an enabled provider or provider organization to deliver coordinated, accountable care.
Practice Transformation and monitoring include practice assessment, coaching and quality improvement. Move to hybrid practice
both clinic-based and virtual, extend reach into the patients home through the Home care services. We change your work from
"Practicing Long Hours" to "Practising Smart." The Active Wellness tools help you increase revenues and visibility
in the patient community. It potentially increases your patient flow and transforms & enhance your practice and patient experience.

Care Coordination and patient communication is a critical component of population health management and healthcare risk management. Care Coordination is about
evaluating and stratification of patients / consumer population into segments and then have a care team manage them. Our online tools
stratify population into risk category and allow you to participate in the care teams for paid members on the network.
Care coordination is less about automation and time savings and more about prioritization, guidance, collaboration, and communication
to improve health and wellbeing, manage risk and control disease states in the population. It is about
improved Patient Experience
Active Wellness offers Care Coordination services as an adjuvant - to help your organization achieve clinical success by tracking and communicating patient care,
protocols and progress across the care continuum.
ActiveMD Care teams have decades of healthcare experience in managing risk. The Clinical Solutions Team at Active Wellness has
experience working with payers and providers alike and has had the experience in providing managed services to the top 5 payers
internationally and Providers solutions. In spite of where you are on your journey, our experts will help you and your organization
control costs and optimize revenues today while mapping out a clear path to succeed in the delivery of value-based services in the future.
Key Benefits
- Practice Smart
- Enhanced Patient Experience
- Increase Practice at Low-cost
- Increase Bonding with Patients
- Future Proof your Practice