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Connected care, reimagined & tailored to you

The next generation of care for women's and families

Patient Centric platform supporting the complete family care continuum

We deliver a Holistic Care Approach via Proactive predictive interventions, prevention, risk detection & reversal, early detection and planned care. A single point of truth with personalized pathways spanning the spectrum of family health, parenting, childcare & menopause.

  • Womens-health


  • Family-building


  • Maternity


  • Parental-wellbeing


  • Children-health


  • DoctorConsultations
    Consult Doctor

    E-Consults Workflows -- Fix appointments, prepare for consults, get consultation in clinics & Tele-consults.

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  • LaboratoryTests
    Book Tests

    Pathology, Genomic, Radiology Tests manage e-test requisition, E-order tests, get results in your EHR and in your record repository.

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  • Drugs
    Order Drugs Manage Medication

    E-Medication covers drug orders, alerts, compliance, side effect & effectiveness monitoring . Check drug interaction & Allergies to prevent medication errors

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  • PreventiveCare
    ProActive Preventive Care

    Ongoing evaluation of Physical, Mentail, Emotion and social health

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  • Social Lounge
    Social Lounge

    Connect and engage with similar persons with common interests.

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Elevating the Standard of Women’s Health

Activewellness hybrid care model offers virtual & Clinic visits to deliver full-service clinical care, personalized care plans, and ongoing support for the widest range of women’s health conditions.

Revolutionizing women’s healthcare

Activewellness care model puts women's first.

Partners through continuum of care

From prevention to diagnosis & symptom relief offer, an end-to-end care experience overseen by expert clinician. Build your comprehensive care teams for staying healthy.

With a 4:1 ROI, investing in women’s health makes a difference
  • 88%

    report improvement in mental health

  • 71%

    reduction in ER visits

  • 76%

    reduction in unnecessary surgeries

  • 69%

    report improved access to care

In-depth care for all phases of life

Activewellness provides total clinical care for the broadest range of conditions for women's health.

The world’s most comprehensive hybrid care for women’s health.

Activewellness hybrid care offers cloud based platform for prevention, detection and mgmt. of health via personalized care plans, and ongoing support for the widest range of women's health conditions.

WORKING WOMEN'S -- Menopause

An ignored phase of life affecting 20% of today’s workforce

An estimated 1.3 million people reach menopausal stage annually in the U.S alone. Despite its impact and symptoms that can last over a decade, the women's don't get the care and support they need.‍


of those who seek help for menopause symptoms don’t receive it

1 in 3

feel their healthcare provider is not knowledgable in discussing menopause


report that menopause interferes with work weekly


of women's with common women’s health conditions don’t receive necessary treatment.


of women's felt their previous workplace had not been supportive of their healthcare needs.

1 in 5

women's considered quitting their jobs due to lack of employer support for their healthcare needs.

Preventive Care for Women's A Timeline for Every Stage

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is recommended for all girls (and boys) for protection from types of HPV that can cause cancers, such as cervical cancer, and genital warts.


Start annual visits with your gynecologist. Your doctor will also perform a breast exam every one to three years.


Get a Pap test every three years. This allows your gynecologist to look for changes in your cervix that may require treatment.


HPV testing may be included with your Pap tests. If you have normal results, you only need to have a Pap test every five years.


Start getting mammograms every year. This screening looks for signs of breast cancer at an early, treatable stage. An annual breast exam by your gynecologist is also recommended.


Colon cancer screening (for example, with a colonoscopy) can detect cancer at an early stage, when it is easier to treat. It is recommended that women's start screening at age 50, and African American women's earlier, at 45.


A bone mineral density scan checks for osteoporosis. Also, talk to your doctor about whether you need to continue having Pap tests.


Speak with your doctor about whether you still need to have mammograms and colon cancer screening. For some women's, it might make sense to stop these tests.

What Consumer Say

"Time constraints and work pressure prevent doctors from gathering in a lounge"

“This is the lounge for the doctor, by the doctor of the doctor without the intrusion of multiple outside parties.”

“I can freely speak because I am anonymous. I don't have to worry about my words getting back to a hospital administrator.”

“ I love ActiveMD as I can now speak out and raise alerts on impending health issues and have a peer network to share concerns with.”

“Being a semi-anonymous environment actually allows for more honest and useful advice and comments. I get enough daily BS, condescending crappy advice in real life. I don't need more in the virtual life.”

“Googling a medicine does not replace a human source. We have to go beyond ‘cookbook’ medicine, and seek reasonable, experienced minds to think through difficult and diverse cases.”

“Medicine is fun, when it’s without the intrusion of outsiders. It is a place where we can practice medicine even if it is pro-bono.”

“I love to hangout on ActiveMD Where I get to ask questions, read articles share opinions and frustrations and most of all help others. When I am stressed out, I get support here any time of the day.”

“ActiveMD is the collective voice for the providers. Now doctors have a voice that regulators need to hear to improve healthcare delivery."

“I think ActiveMD is a spot where i can read a clinical discussion, articles or solve cases. Can connect with thought leaders. If I need clinical help with a patient, I know where I can get help.”

“I read a post about an atypical disease presentation. It helped me nail the diagnosis.”

Copyright 2017 Active Health Technologies LLP. ALL Rights Reserved.