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Innovative & Disruptive Technology

Integrated Home Care

What Is It?

The Platform is a Whole of Life Ecosystem

It is a Cloud-based Connected, Collaborative, Continuous Patient-Centric care continuum platform.

The platform is a revolutionary and Innovative approach to address and relieve the current pain points of patients and providers in the current health care delivery system.

It engages, enables and empowers a consumer to manage his healthcare needs from infant to well senior seamlessly. It enables all the stakeholders to have a single comprehensive and longitudinal view of the Consumer.

The Unified Collaboration platform has built-in services, tools and services into a Unified Collaboration platform.

Delivers Patient-Centric Care

The Platform takes the patient / consumer as the center point. The Partners (Primary Healthcare Providers and Allied Healthcare professionals), Healers (Hospitals) and Component Providers (Labs & Diagnostics) form a Circle of Protective Health around the patient. It allows all these stakeholders to have a seamless, consistent view of the consumer’s health state, risk levels and episodes of care supported by an array of online tools.

The dashboard has a comprehensive set of reports. Shows how the consumer in setting goals and respond to proactive interventions and complying with instructions in an easy to understand manner. Enables patients to partner to set up self-paced activities to improve health and avoid illness.

Innovating Health Delivery

The platform is a next-generation Innovative platform that addresses the pain points being faced by consumers when they touch the current sick care focused healthcare system.

A Paradigm Shift in Health Delivery :
  • - A move from Sick Care to Proactive Disease Prevention – A shift from managing acute events of sickness to preventing the events.
  • - Innovative Health Care Model – Enables total health starting from Primary and Secondary Prevention, to the risk profiling and reversal to the management of Chronic Disease via a “Collaborative Coordinated Patient Centric healthcare model”.
  • - The built-in intelligence allows the delivery of personalized wellness, prevention and disease management interventions to a consumer.

What It Does?

An intelligent Ecosystem

It converges technology, intelligence analytics, and process around the consumer. It collects, aggregate’s and analyzes consumer health data and generates actionable reports around the health of a person.

  • - Comprehensive reports: Transactional reports and longitudinal (showing trends) of the health of the consumer.
  • - Primary and Secondary Prevention: Delivers action items specific to the consumer.
  • - Risk Profiling & Scoring: Determine risk of chronic non-communicable disease and help deliver interventions.
  • - Clinical Screening: For early detection and management of Chronic Disease through a set of Interactive assessment tools, tests and consultations.
  • - Anytime, Anywhere, Anytime: Allows 24x 7 anytime, anywhere convenience driven health, wellness and disease care.
  • - Real-Time Alerts & Escalations: Generate alerts and escalations to the care team of risk or occurrence of potential events detrimental to health. This is coupled with robust monitoring, tracking and communication system.

What Value It Delivers? (Outcome / Result)

The platform allows care teams to improve health through:

  • - Prevention of Disease
  • - Identify modifiable risk factors and reverse risk through interventions.
  • - Reduce the incidence of sickness and the burden of disease.
  • - Reduce episodes of emergency and hospital care.
  • - Improve health & wellbeing of the patient.
  • - Delay onset and compress the Morbidity.
  • - Improve productivity
  • - Improve Quality of life
  • - Reduce Costs

How The Care Platform Works?

A user creates a Health Profile and the built-in intelligence generates a personalized health view of the person. The view is a snapshot of the health state shown in a graphic format. This leads to the recommendation and potential actions prioritized for the consumer. He can convert them into tasks to achieve health goals acting upon the tasks the consumer can improve his health.

Care teams can view the PHR, Identify gaps in care, and give targeted interventions.

  • 1. The consumer has ownership and control over his medical data and PHR.
  • 2. Tools for both the consumers and healthcare teams improve health.
  • 3. A provider gets a holistic 360 Deg. view of a consumer / patient.
  • 4. Enables care teams to manage and provide support at home.

The Consumer View

The consumer can view his health state, alerts, action items, recommendations and action items to monitor and improve the health and wellbeing.

  • - Primary prevention: (Screenings, Vaccinations, Assessment of Health, Quality Of Life, Mental health and Chronic Disease risk and its reversal).
  • - Secondary prevention: (Early detection and management of chronic disease to prevent acute events / medical emergencies).
  • - Effective Chronic Disease Care: Through monitoring and tracking via managed care packages.
  • - Prioritization: A severity driven prioritization of action items to improve health.
  • - Monitoring and Tracking: Continuous real-time monitoring and tracking system.
  • - MTM: Robust medication therapy management to improve drug compliance, reduce adverse events through proactive automated and pharmacist and physician reviews.
  • - E-Clinician: A virtual doctor to remind you at all times.
  • - Online Virtual Consults: Doctor at Home. Get a doctor to do virtual home visits.

The Healthcare Partner View

A primary care provider and care coordinator has immediate access to the health data of a consumer. This allows them to undertake the proactive review and patient management and online order set to manage a patient in a Clinical & Virtual Environments. The online order execution for fulfillment to give a great consumer experience.

Tools Set:

  • - PMS: A robust Virtual Practice environment with the ability to manage the practice.
  • - Care Management Platform: Authorized access to PHR and online records.
  • - Communication: Real-time and offline communication tools
  • - Order Sets: Allows physicians to order drugs, tests, and procedures.
  • - Monitoring & Tracking: Alerts and escalation matrix for patient actionable.
  • - Social Network: Access to a provider – provider network for peer consultation, collaboration and crowd diagnosis.

Connected Care Ecosystem and MTM Services?

The Connected Care Ecosystem helps aggregate and provide the following information for comprehensive medication management to the patient:

  1. A record of the patient’s medication/drug experience (Understanding, preferences, concerns, beliefs, behavior)
  2. Medication/drug allergies (along with a description of the allergy, timeframe, and severity) and adverse reactions (separated into dose-related and preventable)
  3. Medication history (including immunizations) (complete with dates and effectiveness information, the record of issues, problems, etc.)
  4. Current medication record (includes all medications regardless of source, mode of administration or prescriber), indication for use, product, dose, duration and the manner in which the medication is being taken.
  5. Active drug therapy problem list complete with the cause of the problem (associated with the medical condition and medications relating to the drug therapy problem is recorded.)
  6. Therapeutic treatment plans for patient and practitioner (a patient and prescriber version of the treatment plan is available).

The Connected Care Ecosystem has the Personal Health Records integrated with the following functionality to provide medication management services:

  1. Connect indication for medication (reason for use) to specific drug product to dose, duration and actual outcomes for each medical condition
  2. Identify, resolve and prevent drug therapy problems of:
    1. Appropriateness: Eliminate unnecessary medications Initiate necessary medications not being taken
    2. Effectiveness: Identifies most effective in specific patient Increase dosages to effective levels
    3. Safety: Eliminate toxicities Identify adverse reactions
    4. Adherence: Increase the patient’s willingness to adhere to the medication regimen
  3. The cause of each of the drug therapy problems described above needs to be documented as well.
  4. Record and evaluate actual outcomes from drug therapy. Record personalized goals of therapy and evaluate against outcome measures for each medical condition. Review laboratory levels against changes in drug therapy and doses. Record outcome changes with changes in medication details
  5. Support post-marketing surveillance on appropriateness, effectiveness, safety and adherence variables
  6. Record drug therapy problems specific to drug product and medical condition and patient parameters
  7. Supports clinical decision support and analysis
  8. In Built Tools to Support patient participation and decision-making in drug therapy (adherence tools, record keeping, etc.)
  9. Drug Library provide patients with medications' information that is individualized and complements the therapeutic care plan
  10. Social Network for patients to participate in managing their medication

Value for consumers

A “Personalized Total Health View”

The Healthcare Ecosystem generates what needs to be done to continue to remain healthy and improve health, helps identify potential disease risks that could lead to non-communicable chronic disease (NCDs). It triggers additional assessments and reviews to refine risk and suggest risk mitigation steps to ward off disease.

How is a Personal Health View generated? Undertake Base Line Health Assessment: Consists of responses to questions, biometric data, health checkups, lab test and medications coupled with past medical history and family history.

Review of Health Score: The personalized score and recommendations are generated. Presents a 360 View of Health that allows precision evidence-based medicine to target health conditions.

Personalized Action Items: The action items are prioritized and can lead to the setting of Goals.

Interactive Dashboard: Consumers & Healthcare providers can view data over a period of time for effective monitoring and management of health conditions.

Data Cube: This unique approach allows all the stakeholders to use the same data set and generate different views to manage and monitor health.

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